A competition for beginners on Small Basic

Russian community SmallBasic.ru with the support of Microsoft announces a competition on programming in Small Basic.

the the purpose of the contest is popularization of programming among students and novice programmers.

the contest
The theme of the competition is free.

the Main points of the contest
The competition is held in four stages. Each stage lasts one week. Each participant may submit one program each week. Only one participant can be presented in four programs. For each step, you will create a separate branch for community forum SmallBasic.ru where you can post your program.

the Terms of programs
Submitted programs must run on the current version of the language – 0.8.
In the programs not allowed to use any external components, only a clean Small Basic.
The program must be published on the server smallbasic.com (the tool "Publish"), and posted on the forum import code.

the contest period
The beginning of the contest: 1 APR 2010. The end of the contest: 29 APR 2010.
Summing up: 6 may 2010.
Awarding of the winners in Microsoft office: 11 may 2010.

the Position about the prizes
For winning the competition are awarded prizes. All three participants, prize winners will receive a USB flash drive 16 GB, plus:

  • first place – a smartphone running Windows Mobile
  • the
  • second place – the Microsoft keyboard
  • the
  • third place – Microsoft mouse

the Final abstracts
The decision of the judges is final.
The competition is a non-profit.
the Sending of prizes is only for Russia.
For persons under 18 years, prizes have been awarded to their parents or legal representatives.

All necessary information can be obtained on the community website and on the forum.

Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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