Automatic collection of news Twitter feed

good day to All! It just so happens that now my work is connected with information, and I often have to seek news regarding a specific topic. In addition to classic solutions in the form of popular news sources and official websites, needed an aggregator, which quickly and continuously collects news on different resources in one place. It is desirable that and it was possible to automate and simplify. And you know this resource was found!

Don't know who created this thing, why, and why it does not spin. Maybe one of the creators of this service are on habré, and he will answer, but that's not the point. This website collects all the news hooks with various news sources in Russian, forms of them a Twitter feed on a separate account, and you can safely (and most importantly — free and convenient) to get any the usual way. In my case, tweetdeck c customized sheets, and speakers that constantly pulls all new data that you can use in my work.

Works this service is very simple: take of interest to us company or person, enter the first letter of the name on the website. If the database exists, a prompt appears in which you select the required us object.

For example, you can take popular on habré the company: ASUS, Intel, AMD, Samsung, Google, Oracle, Apple.

Get links to generated Twitter feeds, then followin or add them to sheets, are as necessary in either the client or the Twitter website. Just like that, without any manipulation, tedious manual search — all done for us.

I hope that this website will develop, and later, you can choose a whole bunch of news at once (e.g., mobile device, or medicine) or news otchetnye by geographic location — find out what's going on in your town, or in a particular region.

This thing helped me a lot to work with and saved a lot of time, I hope, will be useful to you.

p.s.: The author, if you are on Habre — answer me! The service has room to grow and to respond, and I'm pretty sure that with the help of abrasheva such a useful and user-friendly website will only become faster and more flexible.
Article based on information from


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