Browser game "Kiberset '" — continued

Continue to talk about your startup to create a browser game. Reading past three you can see some way from the initial idea, through the attempt to create a prototype, and I hope now it is more or less the whole concept of the game. However graphics are still problems — can't find a sensible designer-artist of computer graphics, and the this unfortunately do not know how. But who is willing to turn a blind eye and try my beta version — you are welcome — play here, and someone might be useful my experience.

game Concept

Begin with, which you can see on the main page:

the Game "Kiberset '" — a free browser based real time strategy. Getting into this world as a laborer, without property and experience, here are three ways of development: a craftsman, a merchant or knight. Each profession provides its own unique benefits. Craftsman can make a daily routine and without your presence to perform different jobs. You only need from time to time to monitor its performance and manage sales. The merchant can only with your participation can produce products, but it can — how to sell and buy goods, signing long-term deals. The knight may use a weapon that gives him a significant advantage for attack and allows you to take money from others. Each profession has its own organization: the Guild of artisans, Guild merchants, the knights. Allow organizations to choose their leader and to stand together against aggressive players. Being a foreman of the artisans or the Patrician of the Guild of merchants — you can contact the knights. Then they for a fee can provide you with his protection. And the Master of the order of knights can fight his knights and profitable control of the city.

Or maybe You want to try to play immediately for two, three, and more characters? And it's possible. Unlike many other browser games here are allowed to create clones (you only need to register another party under a different name). And then You can even one to build his Empire with minimal tracking each of the characters: because the craftsman operates automatically according to the order of the day, the merchant, having signed long-term deals, automatically transports the goods and gets his profit and can only strengthen his order of knights.

But that's not all. Proposing a forum on the new items and methods for their production, pretty soon You will see them in the game. Thus, You can improve the detail of the game world, making it more rich and interesting.

Timeline of the implementation that recorded from last time

And then I'll try to explain why so and not otherwise. From the beginning the game was meant as a rather simple logic, no big deal, no charts, so to say the least to see gameplay. I wanted something akin to chess only in the context of the economic and some social policies. Here was my first idea that programmers could even write bots to play such a game formal (read closed mathematical) rules. These first ideas were inspired by the browser game Virtonomics and a bit of the old "Civilization".

But over time I realized that the desire to have bots for the game is my subconscious feeling of lack of automation within these and similar games. And since I'm a programmer, I wanted to be able to write a bot for the game. But realizing this, and talking to potential players of my game — I have reviewed the concept. Bots is secondary — maybe in the presence of interested people some APIs will allocate and give out. But the important thing is to give players a little more automation at a fairly simple formal game.

Second, I abandoned the strategy in favor of real-time. It's just awful, all in the same game "Virtonomics" we need to wait for the clock was recalculated to the state of the game. This approach is simply unnatural. Some were put forward such an argument for the need for such a long recount of the state of the game. Supposedly this allows the player to make his move and go for example to work. But in reality it's just a good mine at bad game. The player intellectually needs to play as much and when he wants. He came to play and no matter it is the developers to adjust the player to the time frame associated with the synchronization steps. In addition, the serialization was a number of technical arguments from users (users who think they understand something in programming). I just don't want there to discuss and dismiss as not wealthy — the game can and should be done in real-time.

But how then to cope with the desire to switch off and relax from the game? I also played in another of the antithesis of "Virtonomics" the game "I Feudal Lord". The need for constant online there is caused by the fear to lose, and people really enough sleep for days, weeks and then throw the game because of problems in reality. This antipode I, too, was not needed. And I think I've found the middle ground with a fairly simple idea. (perhaps you know other developers, but again the desire of monetizatsii and these ideas are buried).

In the game "Kiberset '" character has characteristics (Health/Energy/Courage/Intelligence), so they only change in the process of performing character actions. As soon as the queue of no more than 10 tasks have ended — the character ceases to change. Thus, while the player plays and fills the task queue is real — time. Finished playing, stopped the game and I am sure that will pass away with work, and character will be the same. How to put tasks into the time left for work? And here comes into play the player's ability to predict. The easiest way to study the conditions of the game world and set of 10 problems, assuming that will happen with the character. And that if you learn to plan not just for a few hours in advance, and the day of the week that the character lived in the game offline? And is it possible you make a consistent schedule for a craftsman for a day and it every 24 minutes (game day) does the same thing. Trade also takes place automatically without your presence, if long-term contracts. Ie then there is the second level of the game so to speak for the advanced players. Immediately stipulate that to create a stable self-balancing multiple characters is quite difficult, but theoretically possible.

Third, a natural market. In the last article I described what is meant by the natural market, and they have not yet seen any game with such. The main change in the concept now — I abandoned the idea of a barter market is too difficult for players, and a barter market is possible only under a very narrow range (for example, in the game "I Feudal Lord" where players change only five types of resources). But then the question arose, where to get the money supply? If it is to give through fictitious demand, once the artificial market. Then I came up with an interesting idea. The money will be provided. In reality, gold or obligation of the state to always obtain product for the money. But what is really appreciated by the players playing browser games? And then I realized — time is money and Vice versa. It was still a fantastic movie, where people earned and paid. So in the game "Kiberset'", all is well — money is given$ 1 for every second spent on the creation of the goods (except in the case of automated production craftsman). And on completion you receive the item into inventory and money. It would seem a little strange. But consider that it's a new social system where everyone is allowed to print money depending on the time spent on production. And then begins the what not is a natural market — you buy, sell, robbing another player who earned more — and the top.
Fourth, the military component. I have long doubted whether to enter the military component of the game, polls showed that opinion is divided — some thought that this would improve the game, someone thought it would worsen. The main news here — military operations can be: a) military Necessity/military component is necessary in terms of socialservice team players. Not that it's not forced to communicate and play together as a sense of protection. In a pure economic game to achieve the feeling of insecurity is impossible, all that there is to have fear of going bankrupt. But economists are, as a rule, the individual to work together by definition they cannot and should follow the slogan "the company of the company — the wolf." And another thing is when people succumb to the strong, and afraid of the power of taking time spent. Here there is a strong socialization, and the different effects of real companies. At the moment of attack in the game is quite simple. Knights can use weapons, which gives them an advantage. And artisans or merchants teaming up can pay for the protection of the other knights. Between the knights can fight for control of cities, fighting for his honor and glory, which is expressed as the number of money who want to give them, or voluntarily or by force merchants and artisans.

Yes, with the introduction of the military component, there is a small contradiction with what I said at the beginning. "Intellectually the player needs to play as much and when he wants to" contrary "to switch off and relax from the game." When you play in the team need your online for the possibility of mass battles, and you are at this moment gone. There is a problem of synchronization of actions of people in different places and at different times. And then there is the argument that I heard against the introduction of military action — "you came and you already destroyed."

In the game "Kiberset '" was found following solution. During the attack you can only lose money. Health and other characteristics are being lost so as to leave at least. So when the player comes back online he has a chance to heal your character. Ie the battle he just takes extra time for the restoration of the character and he loses money. That way, encourages not to keep a lot of cash, and buy the products for them. And also to look for the best protection — to protect the knights, and is where this defense is.

But someone who will subordinate the power of money or the money power will play.

Fifth, some trivia. In-game tips that explain to the player where and how to start. In fact, the last prototype didn't have it, and I was faced with numerous questions — "what to do in the game?". Hopefully with the presence of these minimal tips, and explanations in the game, the nature of the questions changed to "How? For What? And how better?", and already on the forum players (or I) can answer it.

You may also notice that the game has acquired a minimal graphics card, and blanks for sprites in the style of "here could be your picture". So according to the chart, please do not criticize, I understand that it is necessary, without this, not that etc. I just haven't been able to do it — will artist, will the extra funds will be donations — we will solve, now there's no question technology. As they say your every whim for your money.

finally, the invention of new items. This is what I wrote in the last article:

the Usual games have closed, in advance, calculated logic. Of all the strategies there is a tech tree, and somehow pre-programmed course of development of the player character. The player also depends only on whether he can play above average or not. The interest for such games often depends on how well ambulancewoman logic of character development.

In the game "Kiberset '" I think made a revolutionary step forward — line process develops the player himself. Then quite quickly claims its innovations with the moderator (currently me, but hopefully someday there will be a separate trusted players with special rights). Then "the world changes" — what used to be difficult to do, it becomes easier or the emergence of new products increases the demand for others. Thus, everything is in the hands of the player — the internal logic of the development of improving players.

And as shown by surveys is the most strong point of the described game. It has not disappeared anywhere, but I withdrew interface introducing new subjects. I now propose to describe it on the forum and taking into account all wishes I will introduce your ideas. Also, we revised the mechanism of such inventions. Now for the creation of an object needs a certain level of a certain building. Objects as before, we have different ways of obtaining and require the creation of raw materials, tools and other appurtenances. But now they are also tied to a character: enter a conditional object with the name of the characteristics, such as "Health" and then remains to come up with ways to increase this performance. Thus, the production line became more complete, and allows you to change the characteristics of the character.

Software side of the issue

Here, I will not go into detail, but only slightly mohaliver, but ask in return not to do :)

Until last summer — I wasn't looking in the direction of the development of technologies related to the web. Yes, in fact he was fairly underdeveloped technologically. Now choosing languages and technologies to create games, I am fully convinced of the idea that my choice is correct:

1. ASP.NET + C# — there is simply no competition, all the other languages and how to create web pages is the last century. I have long tried to understand why I think so, and I found the main argument that other languages do not have two and a half serious tools. Half is a developed text editor with smart completion, finding definitions of variables, functions, automatic formatting, etc. Here is debatable — but the other I did not meet. Worse starts with the fact that other approaches are no so-called projects, where to edit and compile you from the heap of the files collect a single project. And the most serious is the lack of debugger.

2. JavaScript on the client side would be without it anywhere. Had a little explore, although language is a significant problem with the ideology of the object and in fact no debugger miserable enough debugging tools. But again, there is simply no alternatives. But it is good that Visual Studio allows you to include scripts into projects and provides also a text editor.

3. It is assumed graphics using Canvas. Again, I came to the conclusion that pure HTML is not enough, and other alternatives for simple graphics just before and was not.

4. MySQL is the most controversial issue. For me it was an experiment, I am programming in MS SQL Server. MySQL is clearly inferior to MS SQL. But the critical moments, I found only one. MySQL how SQL server grow and develop. Rather modest ability to follow load, and plan execution. But the main thing is not possible to create a job that is running on a timer. That's why I had to write a game server for the game in C# that periodically runs the SQL procedure for execution. (removed because it turned out that in MySQL there is a so-called events that are not very obvious — but there).

And a small survey of in the right direction I followed all the above points in your opinion.
Article based on information from


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