Browser game "Kiberset '" — a socio-economic strategy

Two months ago I described the idea of this game (see Economic simulation like a game for programmers), and then responded quite a lot of enthusiasts. Due to various reasons more or less permanent participants remained 2-3. The first time was somehow slow, but having gone on vacation I got more time. And here's the meet the first prototype. In fact, it is already possible to play, but there are bugs and some inconvenience, but hope is not critical. With the improvement of the game as all players will be saved.

And then I even planned a second stage of development of the game. But first things first...

But you can not read, and immediately to play :) — Browser game "Kiberset' "

What's implemented?

Here I will describe the scenario that is already implemented.

Game character (the agent) to the beginning of the game is placed in a random region. Initially, the agent has 5 characteristics: (1) Energy – the initial value of 100%; (2) Health – the initial value of 100%; (3) Courage — the initial value of 100%; (4) Physical strength – initial value 1; (5) Intelligence – 1.

The basis of the gameplay is improving the complexity of the world and increase performance of physical strength and intelligence agent. The health agent should not become 0%, which is symbolic of the death of the player. Initially, in the region where the encapsulated agent is only plants, animals and minerals. Their prevalence is determined at the time of the first agent to use at random. The agent can also perform actions on plants, animals, fossils and objects to obtain other objects in accordance with the ontological graph. Items can accumulate and they are characterized by quality. A special group of subjects is food. Food agent can be used in food, thereby increasing their energy. Energy is expended to perform all actions. After each activity, excluding sleep time, the agent automatically looks for the stocks that you can eat and eat, if not in stock food remain hungry. The agent also needs to sleep. After each action is lost 25% of energy. And during the sleep the vigor is not lost, but is restored to 75% (but not more than 100%). At 0% vitality begin to lose health, and the action does not lead to increased strength and intelligence. The dangerous actions may lead to loss of health. Health can be restored through treatment while consuming energy. Actions to sleep and treated to include in the scheduler actions. The level of intelligence of the agent depends on how many changes to the graph of ontologies may introduce the player. In addition, the implementation of action gradually increases the levels of physical strength and intellect. Then when the action get higher quality items and increased the amount that an agent can do.

Time in the game conventionally, step-by-step. For one real hour in the game are 6 hours. The player has a scheduler, which assigns on the day the plan of action of the agent. Time is discrete and minimal in — 6 in-game hours (1 real hour). Planning can be done in 30 game days, which corresponds to about 5 real days. The player's actions are carried out in accordance with this plan, in which 120 cells consistent action. 1 game day = 4 real hours 6 game day = 1 day 30 days = 5 real days = 120 actions.

The game has a barter market where players can make deals to exchange some items for others.

Improving the complexity of the world means clarifying and expanding graph ontology. This is done by issuing licences for a particular mode of production of the product. So in this game is the complexity of the world is run by the players, and accordingly, the more the complexity of the world — the more opportunities and challenges in the world — but everything is in your hands.

the Script "Unite under the banner of cities"

There is one scenario that you can do to improve the game. Please estimate how much it will improve or on the contrary spoil what is already there.

Give the opportunity to "Rob korowai".

After 5 real days from the date of registration and subject of activity of the player (the last action was carried out not later than 15 days back) it will be possible to Rob. It will happen so it will be added to the statistics page of the active players was already more than 5 days. There will also be an opportunity to say what they want to attack one or the other. Will introduce a new product of the sword (and other weapons on par with others to invent themselves). In the fight between players will be considered a physical power and a better sword. To avoid attacks first, the player will be asked to pay 50% of their stocks, or if you lose the winner takes all stocks. We will introduce new type of products — properties, if it is available it will be considered as the possibility of additional protection, the ability to save from 10 to 20% of the reserves, but will be destroyed if you lose. Of course suffer health, to spend energy and vivacity (depending on difference forces).

Along with this will be given the opportunity to move to another town, you need to leave all their supplies. But the players are in the same city will be able to create a fortress and to organize the defense of the city. Then attack the player under the protection of the city the attacker will have to deal with all the players "warriors" (attack group). The players themselves will decide what role to take the soldier or simple citizen, or a foreigner. Soldiers participate in defense, but the warriors and establish the fee for protecting ordinary people, which they have to pay (goods). Without paying a fee the role of a resident is automatically a foreigner, who is not protected by warriors. The fee is distributed among the warriors according to their physical strength.


Please all comments, criticisms, and seen the bugs, or write directly here or to our the bug tracker on github . Also invited programmers wishing to participate in development. Please also make allowances for the fact that it is still not active participants, and therefore not developed barter market and use licences.
Article based on information from


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