Dropbucket.org repository of snippets for Drupal


I have long been working with Drupal for many years of practice I have accumulated a lot of snippets for different tasks. During this time I kept these pieces of code: in Notepad, in evernote, in gist, the IDE (which alternated as gloves). Whenever I needed to find a particular piece of code in order to reuse or I began the tedious search among all of this digital stacks, or simply wrote code first.

Eventually I got tired and after a long and lengthy search for a convenient online store for my snippets, and I went through Oh Oh how many decisions, it was decided to create their own, and strictly Drupal-based repository. Such a narrow focus — a tribute to the Drupal community that such a project "under itself" still had.

So there was a Dropbucket.org, which was launched a month ago and received quite a good press in the Western part of the Drupal community. To date, the website has registered 800 Drupal developers from all corners of our planet (including, of course, Russia and Ukraine).

Next, I will briefly talk about the major features of the project and that he in the end gives Drupal developer.

So the main idea Dropbucket'a — to create a place where you can save your own snippets categorizer them on themes and Drupal versions, and wish to share their experience with other developers.

Adding snippets

My main desire was to make as simple as possible the scheme of addition of the snippets. Adding form code snippet looks like this:


There are only two fields are mandatory: title and the code itself, other fields are optional.

Each snippet may consist of several functional pieces that are added using the button "Add another source code":


In case you do not want others to see your snippet, it's easy to make private:


Page snippet

On the page of the snippet you can obtain the "raw" version of the code elicriso to copy it to the clipboard:


One of the most popular features is the cloning of a snippet when you can clone any posted on the service the snippet to edit it for yourself:


But that's not all, the snippet can be added to favorites, it is possible to vote, leave comments and add to personal lists of snippets.

Each edition of code creates a separate audit, you can view the previous revisions of the code:



Personal list snippets

A week ago we added a new feature "Personal lists snippets", which allows you to create a list of all snippets:


By clicking the button "Add to list":


A menu appears with which there are all necessary additions to lists and create lists:


Such feature is useful for creating knowledge bases on a particular theme Drupal programming and disseminating it, for example, among team members. Imagine "the List of snippets to the database".

Search snippet

To find a suitable snippet of code among the rubble of this task is important. Its solution was the creation of a flexible filter which gives the ability to filter snippets by keywords to Drupal versions, categories and even user names:


Each filter can be monitored by subscribing to it through RSS reader. For example, it will look like a feed "Ajax" snippets for Drupal 7: dropbucket.org/rss.xml?keys=&field_category_tid=29&field_drupal_version_tid=4&name=. A handy feature for those who want to follow a specific category codes.

Social profile

Each user gets a profile address of the form dropbucket.org/имя_пользователяwhere you can see information about the developer, statistics, history of activity and its Drupal Karma (well, as without karma, eh?). For each correct and wrong move on the Drupal website you earn Karma, which in the future would be to hand out all sorts of buns.


For the future plans a lot, after the release of the service I got a ton of ideas and proposals among which you want to filter is needed to set priorities and move forward. Among the most likely improvements:

  • Processing of the interface categories of snippets, I'm not very happy with how it looks now;
  • the
  • the Introduction of APIs for integration with various ides;
  • the
  • the Ability to export your own snippets;
  • the
  • Great socialization and engagement.

But the most important thing is that minimum viable product is already there, it works, and solves its main task and people really like it.

Thank you for your attention and hope that the project will appeal to Russian-speaking Drupal community, despite the fact that the interface is not our native language.

Suggestions and comments please leave in the comments your opinion is valuable to me.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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