Habr and SmartMasses give gadgets for the best topics

Hello, %username%!

Has not passed also two weeks as we again expanded our Federal Program of User Support. Now, in addition to books and laptops we will give wonderful gadgets provided to us online store SmartMasses.ru. To give will, as has, historically, for the best publication on habré. The rules remain the same:

— the award is given to a user whose topic was the best at the end of every two weeks since 08.09.08;
— the program involves only normal topics, topics-transfers and podcasts (i.e. not participating topics-references and questions. And even the Internal Voice does not participate!), published on Habre 18:00 08.09.08;
— the topic should be independent work of the author (texts, pictures, files from other sites do not participate);
— the topic must be original, that is, for the first time is published on Habre (thus the parallel publication in other place is allowed, not allowed to use only old texts from their blogs);
— the topic should not be a discussion of Habra, other projects "Thematic Media" and the company, as well as an online store SmartMasses.ru;
— FPPP each participant can only win one prize provided by one of the partner companies participating in the program FPP. In addition, if on the same day are summed up several competitions, the prizes are distributed according to the principle "the better the topic, the cooler the prize";
— the program FPPP have no right to participate employees of the companies Themed Media and SmartMasses, their relatives, relatives of their relatives, and also their virtuals :)
— topic should become a leader is fair, i.e. no rounds, rules, cheating, using virtuals hidden and open vulnerabilities are not welcome. I'll be watching!

Thus, at 18:00 on 22 September and 6 October this year I will determine the best topic at the end of two weeks. If the topic meets all the criteria listed and two weeks scored the highest number of votes, its author should expect a letter from the administration Habra with detailed instructions on how to put the prize. The results will be published in this blog.

Good luck and all the best :)

PS: unfortunately, the winners living outside of Moscow, will receive the prize by mail. But all postage costs takes on Habr :)
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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