Hide the comments trolls

In a topic about <a href="habrahabr.ru/blog/habrahabr_ideas/34337.html>"the call button of the UFO" from the mouth of the neuotq sounded sensible thought:
it will help only a small GreaseMonkey and the script on it, if it wasn't for lazy night and sketched. and everything is to sleep, and then talking about karma to the night he became too negative, though it's for the best.

JavaScript er from me mediocre, but in the morning I had to warm up a bit...

I've added a small reference to "( X hidden) messages", clicking on which shows all the hidden comments. Pressing it again will hide them back.
It looks like this:

you can put here, requires Greasemonkey.

PS.: is the list you can adjust the "handles" in the code of the script ;) the list is being edited press the [-/+] next to the nickname of the author.

UPD: corrected script, now the trolls clean immediately after the page is loaded, no additional movements. I replaced ONOTOLEY to troll, and too much honor ;)

UPD2: now the Troll comments are not visible at all, and next to the button "Kill the troll" came the count of hidden comments.

UPD3: just in case, hide, and "the inscription"

UPD4: hide labels bad, so we turn them into the fine grey stripes... on the thickness of the strips you can guess about how much tried to Troll :")

UPD5 (and hopefully last):

added button Troll/neutral

pressing the [-] then buries all the author's comments and continues to bury in the future.
pressing the [+] removes the marked "Troll" with the author. [+] is available only when the author of "buried". therefore, in order to "resurrect" the author must first deploy all the buried comments (to stick to "( X hidden messages )"), and then press the author of [+].

I understand that the scheme is not perfect, but better until you get...
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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