Message "PM" error inefficiently

I could easily submit our proposal in the form of a letter to tech support Habrahabr, but I wanted to know if what I'm about to propose to someone else but me.



Quite often in the process of reading the top posts on Habrahabr and Geektimes there are typos. There are cases when these typos break the whole meaning of the sentence or just add discomfort when reading the post.
Despite the fact that since ancient times it is customary to report issues of this kind in private messages, see amendments in the review that not only diluted holivar useful comments, so also become irrelevant after changes are made in the text.


Why are we all here together?

For anybody not a secret that the content Habrahabr and Geektimes created by his users. It is clear that different authors create content of varying quality, and sometimes even shamelessly copy the work of others. To regulate the content, use karma and vote for the posts and it works fine, but there are no tools to be able to contribute to someone else's article.


Make edits and versioning

In the screenshot example of editing someone else's question with the display changes. Those who use, for example git, this picture is very familiar. About the users of stackoverflow, I generally keep quiet. I propose to add to the functionality Habrahabr and Geektimes similar system changes. To accept changes, I think, should writers and editors posts. Thus you can very quickly fix a typo, to hide the long post under the cut, to make additions to the post.

Please Express your opinion in the comments on this issue. By results of discussion and voting, I will send/do not send offer technical support TM

UPD: Today sent a message to support with a link to this post. The results of the correspondence will be added to the text.
Article based on information from


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