MMORPG without further ADO: a year later

Hello, community.

A year has passed, my told about our independent.: MMORPG without unnecessary details. During this year there have been many different events that you, the community, not interesting — you never know who in his toy makes. Therefore to tell about them I will not.

I'll tell you more about three things that you are sure will be of interest: on our statistics, the original generator of the text and of the public API.



Because in early development it was decided to become the most open to all, then, when it was necessary to collect statistics, we did just opened access to everyone, including players.

It lies here: and are updated once a day. The only drawback — all amounts expressed in-game currency, but the rules of translation is specified, so do not worry.

For example, a schedule of our monthly income.

We invite everyone to join in the viewing of the reality show "survival of the independent developers in the capitalist reality".

For the curious, here is a small excerpt (26 March 2015):

  • monetization launched on August 4, 2013;
  • the
  • total of 10,000 registrations;
  • the
  • once paid every 10th user;
  • the
  • for all time earned about 10 000$ (after deduction of commissions and tax);
  • the
  • record in a month: 2500$;
  • the
  • ARPPU most of the time hovering around 5$;


text Generator

Our game with more text. All the actions of the hero and important events are small phrases in his journal (what is happening right now) and the diary (the recent important developments). Currently we have 433 unique type phrases on all occasions.

Not to torment players monotonous content needed to implement the advanced rendering engine of the text, taking into account the dependence of words and their morphological features.

To demonstrate his work best by example.

Depending on the values of the variables, here's a template: Yesterday [mob] [bit|mob] [hero|NR].

May be as a phrase: Yesterday, the hyena bit Hellra.
So: Yesterday fireflies was bitten by a Ghost.

let us Consider an example in detail
  • Yesterday regular text.
  • the
  • [mob] — variable, which is substituted to the name of the monster.
  • the
  • [bit|mob] — the word dependent variable, part of its properties will change depending on the properties of the name of the monster (e.g., number). A text generator automatically detects the properties of the word forms and tries to save them (for example, will be recognized and the stored elapsed time).
  • the
  • [hero|VN] — variable, which is substituted to the name of the hero. Additionally it is specified that the name must be in the accusative case.

Examples of usage and the detailed format description can be viewed online games — new phrases are invented and are made by the players.

Code generator is open and lies on github:

By the way, our base phrases are public, so if you need 100500 ways to describe how one character chops the other, then we are there.



We gradually make public API to work with the game, so that everyone could experiment and possibly make something useful. Enthusiasts already use it for the development of mobile clients, browser extensions, and other interesting pieces.

We invite you to join.
Article based on information from


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