NeoAxis 3D Game Engine updated to version 1.3

The company NeoAxis Group announces the release of 3D engine NeoAxis Engine to version 1.3. In the new version of the engine added a lot of new features along with changed license terms for engine edition supplied with full source code.

Major new features
  • Added effect Screen Space Ambient Occlusion. SSAO is a rendering technique used for the efficient implementation of real-time Ambient Occlusion effect, widely used in computer graphics. This effect contains many parameters for fine tuning and helps to achieve the best balance of quality and performance.
  • Improving the landscape on the basis of the height map. Maximum height map increased from 1024x1024 to 4096x4096 pixels (16 times). This was possible due to significantly reduced memory consumption. Added support for levels of detail (Level of Detail), allowing to increase the drawing speed. The implementation is based on the technique of "Continuous Distance-Dependent Level of Detail for Rendering Heightmaps" (CDLOD).

    Lens Flare Manager — the new object to help you create flare effects lens for the camera.

    Platformer Demo with 2D physics — in the NeoAxis SDK added new map, which is a prototype game-platformer with 2D physics.

    Pathfinding Demo — added new map showing the system of pathfinding based on navigation meshes.

    SceneBox is a new component of system user interfaces of the engine that displays a 3D scene as a separate control. The component allows you to place 3D models, effects in the resource editor or manipulate objects from code. An example of the use of such a component can be a garage with a car choice in the game simulator car, or a 3D character avatar in the corner of the screen. To illustrate the need to run the file Game.exe and in the main menu click "Gui Test 2".

    WinFormsMultiViewAppExample.exe — example application based on WinForms. Demonstrates the ability to create applications with multiple 3D views. the

  • In addition to the ability to import various 3D model formats such as Collada, added the ability to import models in FBX format. Added ability to import animated models with skeletal animation.
  • the
  • resource editor tool calculate Ambient Occlusion for individual models.
  • the
  • In the map editor added the ability to export geometry to FBX or Collada format (DAE).

to See full list of changes.


license terms

With the release of version 1.3 change the licensing terms edition engine supplied with full source code (Source License).

The cost of the license depends on the number of developers as stated below:

    Personal license (for one developer) — 2895 USD

    Team license (2-5 developers) — 9800 USD

    Unlimited license (six developers) — 29500 USD

Thus, to obtain full access to the full source code of the NeoAxis engine now available for only $2895.

Licensing terms:
  • Access to the full source code of the engine and its instrumentation.
  • the
  • 4 years of free upgrades to new versions of the engine.
  • the
  • 1 year of technical support.
  • the
  • Lack of royalties.

A full description of the terms and conditions are available on the license page.


NeoAxis as the platform for non-game projects

In conclusion we would like to stress the possibility of effective application of the NeoAxis engine for non-game projects development for Windows and Mac. Thanks to rich functionality, powerful tools and modern technology, the NeoAxis engine is a complete development solution for a wide range of applications relevant to industry, research, education and training of staff, etc.
Previously we already piali about the successful experience of the application of the NeoAxis engine when creating 3D simulator accidents for the chemical industry, implemented by systems Engineering. The developers of University Human-Computer Interaction Lab of the University of Udine, Italy used the NeoAxis engine to create the project EMSAVE ("Emergency Medical Services for the disAbled" Virtual Environment), interactive tutorial simulator to provide medical assistance to people with disabilities. At the moment the project is in one of the training centers of the Italian hospital.

View for a description of other non-game projects created with NeoAxis engine.



Official website engine
Download NeoAxis Engine SDK 1.3 with a set of demonstration maps


the engine

NeoAxis Engine is a modern 3D gaming engine used to create video games, simulators and visualization tools.


About company

NeoAxis Group Ltd is a company that focuses on development of modern real-time 3D systems. The principal activities of the company are to develop a modern 3D game engine NeoAxis and development of custom projects based on the NeoAxis engine.
Article based on information from


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