Personal rating articles

I do not know how anyone, but I feel uncomfortable rating articles on Habre. The reason is that the functionality cannot be set.

Very necessary settings, I see 3:
  1. the Ability to choose custom date ranges for the most popular. Why? Then, for example, that after a 10-day vacation, you can view only popular for a week or the entire month at once. Much does not fall into this list because of the fixed number of articles in the top. Hence the second request.
  2. the
  3. Ability to specify the number of displayed articles. Why? One of the reasons named above. The second reason — often when a lot of interesting writing in the top only articles with a rating of well over a hundred, while there are very interesting articles ranging from 50-70.
  4. the
  5. the Opportunity to ask the lower the rating value, or range top-bottom, for a given sample. Why? For example, I would like to see all articles with a rating above 100 for the last 20 days, but I don't know their number, so item (2) is not very helpful. Generally speaking, (2) and (3) partially mutually exclusive, but could be done both for convenience.

Why do all this if there's RSS? The fact that after, say, a month's absence to read the backlog of 1000 articles impossible or very time consuming. And such a filter would greatly simplify the task.

Still, I really wanted a custom filter from the main feed (and/or RSS subscription) keywords in the headers, but that's another wish, a wish for 2 things at once is awkward.

As popular and (question to developers) if you can implement it with low cost?
Article based on information from


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