Test flight of the Boeing 747-8F

the Boeing Company today conducted a test flight of the new transport aircraft 747-8F. The plane has successfully overcome 2177 miles and landed at 4:43 GMT. The tracker shows the route of flight BOE12.

Flight on such a complex route took 5 h 30 min

Thanks to the GPS the autopilot was able to duplicate on the ground figure 12. Why was it made? To the delight of residents of the state of Washington, which is already going crazy in anticipation of Sunday's Super Bowl.

Test flight carried out before the Cup final on the American football Super Bowl, which will take place on 2 February. The fact that it involved a Seattle Seahawks team that has been warmly supported by the residents of Seattle, and the "Boing" is one of the largest private companies in the state — is the General sponsor of the Hawks. The number 12 is considered the symbol of the "12th player on the field," i.e. the fans.

For this test flight "Boeing" specially painted aircraft in the colors of the team.

Someone can say that this is a stupid waste of money. One of fuel during this flight burned about $180 thousand But not so simple. Through such action "Boing" love in Seattle, and this love is converted into real dollars. It is no coincidence that two months ago the state government gave Boeing an unprecedented tax benefit of$8.7 billion over 16 years — the greatest tax benefit for a private company in U.S. history. Typically, these benefits authorities provide particularly valuable to the company never left. In 2001, Boeing moved headquarters to Chicago, but the main production facilities remained at the same place.

The company employs 170 thousand people, including 83 thousand in Washington state. Many of them are Seahawks fans, so these freaks can be seen as a kind of teambuilding.

By the way, this is not the strangest test flight "Boeing". Two years ago they managed to draw in the air your logo.

PS the idea Came: but you can on the bike to make a route with a Declaration of love to his girlfriend and send her a link to the tracker online. But not in this weather, of course.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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