The attention of users as a universal value of the Internet, or support your favorite resources!

the world is gaining momentum the economic crisis. Analysts is that rates will not put on what the project will survive the crisis, and who will be bent. Advertising budgets are shrinking, and online resources that receive money from hosting the ads, forced with greater vigor to compete for advertisers, proving that it is more profitable to place ads in them.

But advertisers are spending money not just for their banners decorated with numerous web sites. They want our attention. Attention Internet users who visit when the great, once average, and when, and frankly shitty projects. And it is from us – the users of the network – depends on which sites give tips, and what will survive the crisis, finding advertisers in a falling market. Because our focus is the same universal value for which the advertiser is chasing.

Every day I visit dozens of sites. To some I go by myself, attend some links that meet at FriendFeed'e, on habré blogs that I read. And if the creators of some of the sites I am grateful for what they have created and support them, many sites, in my opinion, it would be better not appear online, as they just pollute the information environment. I with pleasure do not go to, but when you click the link do not necessarily represent that the website is waiting for you behind it.

Can I somehow change the fact that bad sites on the Internet has become less and at the same time good sites survived the crisis? Of course you can! Not alone, true, but you can! To do this, all of us enough to stop to give universal currency of the Internet our attention to the advertisers who advertised on the bad sites, and Vice versa – to pay their attention to their advertisers for those sites that we like. In conditions of economic crisis, when advertisers carefully monitor the effectiveness of advertising, it will reduce the incomes of those sites that you like, to help you survive the crisis your favorite websites.

I urge you to make a choice in favor of the worst products or services that are advertised on those sites that you like. But if you make a choice between two equivalent products, one of which is their advertising money to support your favorite site, then why would ceteris paribus not to make your choice in favor of this product?

I think if we become more prudent, using our attention, we will be able to make the Internet cleaner and better. If I don't like is inserted LJ after the first post, as tempting as that may sound ad, I'm not going to click on it out of principle. If they will do a SOUP to be forced to take out ad unit as advertisers simply won't pay them for it because of too little conversion. If I like it — despite all its shortcomings — Habrahabr, I at least see what the advertiser I advertises.

Let's all support in the difficult conditions of those sites that we like! It's something that we can do without money – we just have to realize that our attention is valuable, and that we can repay that currency the people who create our favorite sites.

UPD: I am surprised that some readers perceive the call to "pay attention" as a call to click the banner. A little more I have expressed my opinion this comment.
Article based on information from


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