The fix stuck buttons on the Nexus 4

Nexus 4 may be a very unpleasant problem with the navigation buttons like on this video:

/ >

The decision problem for a long time was not known: bug report
Indignant by this misunderstanding, I began to search and found a solution.

Too lazy to read, and the problem is
Someone even offered a particularly hard solutions.
I couldn't believe that the problem lies solely in the hardware bug. After picking your system to handle touch events noticed an interesting thing — deadzone.
Whenever you are typing a message, the navigation panel is locked for a short time to avoid reactions to accidental pressing. Unfortunately, Nexus 4, under mysterious circumstances, may simply begin to block this area forever.
The easiest way was to disable this area at all, still it's better than nothing. In order not to complicate the lives of users, I wrote a script that automatically generates the desired patch.

The algorithm is quite simple:
1. Downloaded SystemUI.apk via ADB.
2. Unpack resources
3. The size of the deadzone is set to 0dip
4. Back packs
5. Created

In addition, the update to roll back changes, enabling you to easily apply the OTA update and retry the operation. Root is not required, only a custom recovery.
Android 5.0.1 is already assembled package

If you have ideas to improve — I would be grateful.
Article based on information from


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