The key combination for switching to the subsequent and previous page
I Believe that many have noticed that ... dropped the old keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+arrows for turning pages in strips and hubs (Ctrl→ to go forward a page Ctrl+left to move back a page) in favor of keyboard shortcuts Alt+arrows (Alt→ to go forward a page Alt+left to move back a page).
To me this change seems inconvenient for two reasons.
First, in several popular browsers (e.g., Mozilla Firefox) shortcutsAlt+arrows are used to move back and forth through history: the combination of Alt→ perceived as a "Forward" command (like button "→" on the toolbar of the browser), so either not running, or works incorrectly (not leafing through pages of a tape or the hub, and goes to blogoshpere from which the browser just got back to the tape or the hub after pressing the button "←"). a Combination of Alt+left perceived as a "Back" command (like button "←" on the toolbar of the browser), so it also works correctly.
second, I use layout Birman, where right Alt key is overridden. Therefore, the shortcut keysAlt+arrows have to type with left Alt (with two hands), whereas shortcuts Ctrl+arrows I could use one (right) hand.
In addition, visitors of those sites where paging is used shortcut keysCtrl+arrows (and are, for example, search results Yandex or idioteque Lebedev), abrahamovce combination will be unusual.
Article based on information from
To me this change seems inconvenient for two reasons.
First, in several popular browsers (e.g., Mozilla Firefox) shortcuts
second, I use layout Birman, where right Alt key is overridden. Therefore, the shortcut keys
In addition, visitors of those sites where paging is used shortcut keys
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