The key combination for switching to the subsequent and previous page

I Believe that many have noticed that ... dropped the old keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+arrows for turning pages in strips and hubs (Ctrl→ to go forward a page Ctrl+left to move back a page) in favor of keyboard shortcuts Alt+arrows (Alt→ to go forward a page Alt+left to move back a page).

To me this change seems inconvenient for two reasons.

First, in several popular browsers (e.g., Mozilla Firefox) shortcuts Alt+arrows are used to move back and forth through history: the combination of Alt→ perceived as a "Forward" command (like button "→" on the toolbar of the browser), so either not running, or works incorrectly (not leafing through pages of a tape or the hub, and goes to blogoshpere from which the browser just got back to the tape or the hub after pressing the button "←"). a Combination of Alt+left perceived as a "Back" command (like button "←" on the toolbar of the browser), so it also works correctly.

second, I use layout Birman, where right Alt key is overridden. Therefore, the shortcut keys Alt+arrows have to type with left Alt (with two hands), whereas shortcuts Ctrl+arrows I could use one (right) hand.

In addition, visitors of those sites where paging is used shortcut keys Ctrl+arrows (and are, for example, search results Yandex or idioteque Lebedev), abrahamovce combination will be unusual.
Article based on information from


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