The new version of CMS/CMF MODx Evolution 1.0

MODx Evolution 1.0
In a time when great leaders of humanity together booze celebrated their professional holiday, in the community of MODx was one remarkable event, namely the long awaited release (%username%, download, for example!) No. 1.0.

Demo site | Adminka of MODx

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Password: demo

Alternate: Demo site | Adminka of MODx

Login: admin
Password: demo


What is MODx?

MODx is a free content management system and framework for creating web applications open source under the GPL license. The system is incredibly flexible and easy to learn!

I can only say that this release was long-awaited. Finally, there are no glitches with the Russian language. Don't need to take a file to make the health. Well, even the new easy front end editor. And a lot of delicious things.

Version of Evolution is the completion of the branch 0.9.6.x and now in full swing work on the version of MODx Revolution 2.0.0 (it is possible download, too).

Free excerpt from official developers:


Brought terminology into line with the upcoming version of Revolution

Please be patient, MODx Revolution to appear soon this year. Revolution is much more suitable for complex projects and has a much more flexible API. The main changes in terminology (such as not particularly expressed, these changes in localized versions, except the first two, approx. TRANS.):
  • resources → Elements (Snippets, Chunks, Templates, etc.)
  • the
  • documents → Resources (as in the abbreviation for Universal's Resource Indicator / URI)
  • the
  • resource browser → File Browser
  • the
  • folder (on the MODx Site Tree) → Container
  • the
  • folder (on the filesystem) → Directory
  • the
  • tree → Tree Site


the Ease of creating localized versions and native builds

It turns out there are people who do not speak English or speak it very badly (like me, for example, approx. TRANS.).
  • ability to specify the date format in control panel
  • the
  • standard themes with RTL languages (right to left) without the use of separate themes.
  • the
  • Support for RTL languages when installing the system
  • the
  • a New system of transliteration of URLs supporting different languages (For Russian individual rule is built! approx. TRANS.)
  • the
  • the Ability to extend the functionality of the main page control panel own functionality


Threw extra

Years we have little by little accumulated extra code, and now we decided to get rid of him!
  • Simplified and combined JS libraries used in the control panel
  • the
  • dashboard template
  • the
  • New datepicker
  • the
  • Reduced the number of files and size distribution, in spite of the additional language packs installer and control panel. Was 2382 file (15,6 MB) → became 1804 file (13.6 MB)


1.0!? Ha ha, children!

I want to warn You against one error. It seems that the developers of MODx is not embarrassed by the magic numbers and they are very long calmly made a stable version with numbers less than one (, for example).

But at one point they decided to make a version 0.9.7, rewriting the source code again. Half a year after work began they decided that this amount of work deserves the version number 2.0, and the names of the Revolution (absolutely right? by the way!).

But in the 0.9.6 branch decided to release the final version 1.0 of Evolution, the birth of which came on the last day of July.


in conclusion

Visit official website MODx! ;)
Or the unofficial site of the Russian community
Article based on information from


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