The service of collective processing RAW'OK

Processing and photo retouching now sometimes no less important than the shooting. Professionals and Amateurs often pictures working with RAW format, which is a digital negative. But processing photos requires experience and knowledge.
I came up with the idea to create a site where Amateurs and professionals could be trained in handling other people's photos, put your RAW key on the mercy of the community, which is useful for self-study.
If you want to know how it was done and what came out of it, welcome to under the cat.

How is it done

The site was written from scratch in exactly one week.
(I personally do not understand when projects of this level of name-calling startup, are looking for investors, team, etc.)
Under the hood python framework I like its simplicity and the absence of congestion, this is especially true for small projects. In the process of creation, are faced with several problems:
RAW files occupy a decent place, but I want to give people the opportunity to put them to download for further processing. The first hundred of these files and place on the VDS would come to an end. The solution was obvious — to store content in the cloud (the choice fell on who repeatedly described himself on habré).
The first day heavy the files are on the hosting, and then once a day it comes to the script and moves to the cloud. Not to mess around with changing the links, was set up regular forwarding the apache in the absence of the requested file.
The second problem is the preview of RAW files. Users have to see what the downloadable RAW'key. The problem was solved with the utility dcraw. This utility knows how to pull the sewn raw preview and removes the server from the load for a full-fledged RAW developer.

What happened.

I am glad to present you website where you can:
  • Upload your RAW photos on public mercy. No need for a file hosting service, the files are uploaded directly to the site.
  • the
  • to Train in the handling of foreign pictures. You can download the source file to process as you like and post the result. For photography it is possible to add XMP file so that others could repeat the result.
  • the
  • to upload a file to private mode. Browse, download the source code and add the options can only those who have the secret link (example: )
  • the
  • to Participate in writing articles, discussions on the forum.

All uploaded photos are licensed under a cc by-nc-sa, it is necessary to ensure that other users can safely create derivatives from your work.

Everything is absolutely free. Monetization is planned through advertising on the site (adsense and special promotional page).

I hope my service will be for someone useful.
Article based on information from


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