The village of programmers in the Russian province

Now, many pros are suitable or already have approached the age when it's time to have kids and choose a place to live. Many, probably, quite suits Moscow, but the disadvantages of this solution are obvious. Habré from time to time published ideas collect more programmers and move on nature, but further discussion of these ideas has not yet moved. I decided to go a little further and picked the right option, who would like to discuss.

a few words about the problem

Need a place in which:
  • Everything is fine with the environment;
  • the
  • Has the Internet;
  • the
  • Healthy social environment;
  • the
  • Many it people;
  • the
  • Reasonable prices;

The place must be Russia.

Something like trying to do in Tatarstan but the government is doing, why it moves as it is not very cheerful. Perhaps managers are engaged in more traditional budget doing things. There are still the Ecopark "Suzdal", but there apparently is still sadder. They even regular website common sense is not enough.

What we do

We have prepared a presentation, chose the district center in the province, agreed with the administration to the meeting and asked them to pick us site. Then of course, we were lucky – we met with people who really care about their land, trying to make the city better and understand that can give a village of the region.

We picked a great site and promised full cooperation in all matters of connections, approvals, etc.


  • Road of Moscow – in the evening take the train the next day at 10 a.m. you can get to this site. Far, agree;
  • the
  • plot Size – 24 hectares;
  • the
  • One edge of the area – a sandy beach on the shore of a huge pond area of several square kilometers;
  • the
  • the Second edge of the plot is a little forest and the river that flows into the pond;
  • the plot is a two-lane Federal highway that separates the shore of the pond from the main part. Over the river, clear, bridge. The route you are planning to migrate away from the pond after 2014. the

  • On the site there are points for connecting electricity and water. On the edge of the site runs the optics company which reached an agreement in principle on the connection.
  • a few kilometers from the site there is a ski resort; the

  • On the other side of the pond there is a sailing school and several yachts;
  • a few kilometers, built a large water Park. the

  • Region – the land of dense forests. Besides the beauty of nature, this means affordable prices for construction. For example, in the construction of high-end material – laminated veneer lumber – one square meter costs about 15 dollars at the time the house finished.
  • the regional centre with all necessary infrastructure – less than 5 minutes away by car. Near the plot there is a bus stop;

The network has managed to find a picture of land from the height of bird flight. See only a little piece – the site is located on the lower right.

We went there in rainy weather, so it was not so nice. Here is a view of the pond.

Here is a view of the river:

But more or less professional photo of the pond:

issue Price

Unfortunately, the cadastral property of this site was much higher than we expected. Upon hearing the figure, we realized that to acquire ownership will fail. But the administration has proposed a fairly reasonable rental option. For the right rent must be paid 2 million rubles, and then — 40 Tr per month (2 rubles per square meter per year).
We had originally planned to take out a small loan and try to do it all, so to say, pocket money, but apparently so will fail.


What we can't do as one family, it is available for several. At first I thought in the direction of search of the investor, but this approach has more disadvantages than advantages. To the investor it is important to quickly recapture the money and money – and, by and large, nothing to do with the social environment, which will be the result. Therefore, the existence of such a project investor, who himself lives in this village, can have a detrimental effect on the decisions.

So maybe here could work some form of cooperative. I'm not good at the legal side, but I'm sure if you have a certain interest from the community this issue can somehow be solved.

If you can work remotely, not tied to Moscow and you are close to the requirements formulated in the beginning of the post, please share – what do you think about this? If you really interested, PM habré.

Place – the town of Belaya Kholunitsa, Kirov oblast.

If you would like to participate in the project, not just talk – write to the PM, not in comments. We are already going to a few people, plan to call a meeting to discuss details and plan.
Article based on information from


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