Triumph geopositioning (GLONASS+GPS) public transport

[view of transport]All Novosibirsk transport (and taxis, buses, and trolley buses) equipped with means of satellite determination of coordinates and their subsequent broadcast. Now (as I found out, reading one of the LJ blog) any owner of a laptop or netbook that has access to the Internet can know about the proximity to public transport forbidding — with special cards working on the engine of Google Maps.

/ > Thank God! Thank Novosibirsk! Glory To Russia!

But the site cards have a noticeable drawback: instead of updating only one marker position (via AJAX, for example), the author of this site, as far as I can see, stupidly programmed to update the whole map. Whenever you update a mosaic maps (and not only tokens of vehicles) downloaded from guglovoy geodatabase again (again, as far as I can see), so tireda about a megabyte. I saw with my own eyes, not just moved: it is the entire map suddenly disappears, he comes to the welcome view (grey rectangle) and starts to swing again.

Therefore, for owners of very limited (or) paid traffic on the mobile Internet (say, GPRS some MTS without wholesale prices and discounts) of such waste will not be acceptable I am sure.

fortunately, the drawback not among irresistible.

bonus tip: note, the map has been removed from the site: "Service temporarily closed," says the owner of the website. (Apparently, gebrettert frightened, or something in the same spirit.)

[map of the transport on the phone]Nothing then opens, once temporarily.

supplementation: in the comments tell me what about this system was mentioned in the news "NGS.NEWS" 23 November (in the article "Satellite bus"). The appearance of the card transport in the article, NGS is similar to that observed and I, so put here screenshots from there.

On the November address of the system hangs, the phrase "Preved, NGS. Many thanks" which means NGS-effect in November acted about the same as gebrettert in December.
Article based on information from


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