Videos of presentations from WebCamp 2012 and the announcement of WebCamp 2013

Expensive capacitatile, I want to introduce you to videos of all presentations from the 3rd conference of professional web developers WebCamp 2012, which took place last year in Odessa, and also to invite you to the 4th conference of the WebCamp 2013, which held on 12-13th June.

/ > In the past year we have expanded the conference to 4 sections: web technology and project management; usability and design; Internet marketing; start-UPS. Conducted several workshops, Startup Crash Test and organized the startup alley.

This year we plan to go even further. We moved the conference to a warmer time and increase the time up to 2 days. First day – reports in the streams, the second day workshops. 4 main sections we will expand specialized subsections that will be able to prepare and conduct different community. In order for the subsection was added to the program, it must have at least 5 reports. Our team has been to Kiev Startup Weekend and we decided to "bring" it in Odessa. Therefore, we invite everyone after heating on WebCamp to consolidate their knowledge by creating your own startup in 54 hours Odessa Startup Weekend, which will be held from 14 to 16 June.

Registration for the conference is opened. The cost of participation in the conference: if paying before may 1 – 400 UAH (~50$); from June 11 – 500 UAH(~63$); in the day of the conference – 600 UAH(~75$). Students upon presentation of student card 50% discount. For readers Chabry we give 10% discount to receive it when registering you must indicate promo-code Habrahabr. Information on how you can win a free ticket here.

Applications from speakers and community who wish to organize additional specialized streams are accepted until may 1. All the details here.

Information about how the project to participate in the startup alley or Startup Crash Test, you can find here. Participation is free for startups.

Under the cut you can see the videos of the conference WebCamp 2012.

Section “Web technology and project management”.

Igor Khokhlov (PHP developer web Studio "LiveStreet engine for blog and social networks."

Andrey Kushnarev (Technical Director at AK IT-Consulting): "Meet TYPO3".

Alexey Radchenko (Senior Python Developer at Mediasapiens) and Yegor Nazarkin (Software Architect): "the Capabilities of python for web development".

Dmitry Mindri (Microsoft Technologies Lab Leader at Lohika): "Windows Azure for Web projects."

Ruslan Prytula (Front-End Engineer in the company IQ RIA): "Problems and benefits of library use Extjs4 in large web applications with complex UI".

Dynowski Sergei (coder in "in Frontend development with Sass and Compass".

Valery Rabijewski (Team Leader web Studio "Fundamentals: overview of Symfony2".

Roman Katerinchik (producer of the Studio Artjoker): "the dream Team. Myth or reality?".

Oleg pohodenko (Studio Klaxon): "project Management = time management".

Number of old files: "Worksection – projects management system".

Paul Tochar (Director of THESIS Moldtelecom): "Control of xWIKI projects Moldtelecom".

Andrei Cojocaru (head of support and development infrastructure platform QuickBlox in the company Injoit ltd.): "Master class on creation
avtomatstrom structure servers based on Amazon Web Services".

Section “Usability and design”.

Klimenko, Ivan (designer of mobile interfaces, the company Stanfy): "Draw a green robot".

Olga Gorenko (head UsabilityLab in Ukraine): "Loyalty, as a result of dialogue."

Paul Kolodyazhny (art Director design-Bureau "make"): "what did not know Brockman. Adapt".

Semen Lobach (art Director DaVinci): "Modern stylistics: the metro UI, minimalism".

Dmitry Kiselev (head of the Studio of Dmitry Kiselyov): "the delicate Ingredients of website design"

Yaroslav Trofimov (Director of "Inspire metamarketing", the author of the book "Branding and identification of the present and the future"): "the Interface as the main carrier of a corporate style of the future."

Section “Internet marketing”.

Maria Kravchuk (Director General of UpSale company): "it is Cheaper to sell to those you already sold."

Nodar Giorgadze (founder DINOpromo): "Forecasting traffic from search engines."

Vladimir Pillars (Studio SeoLib): "Usability in SEO — an integrated approach".

Volodymyr Lytvyn (head of the Studio TurboSeo): "trends in the development of personalized search is influenced by the social network Google Plus".

Vitaliy mazurik (main Seo specialist Inweb): "Seo as instrument increase in sales".

Alexander Maximinus (head PPA the direction of site promotion Studio Internet marketing Netpeak): "PPA promotion – set appropriate goals".
Article based on information from


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