Zen Diary — a personal diary with encryption

After I showed the community of Habra a project PJournal, my mailbox just exploded from the onslaught of incoming messages. The people who read it on habré, advise what can be improved in technical terms and in terms of design, those who have downloaded the program on the advice of some of the users asked me for features that they would like to see the program in the near future.

The program PJournal found its audience, although I was very afraid that it will just get lost among dozens of other similar programs.

Inspired by this victory, I decided to develop and improve this product considering the many recommendations and advice that I received. And this development resulted in a new project called Zen Diary (http://zendiary.org).


What is Zen Diary

Zen Diary is your, and only your personal blog with the ability to encrypt notes. The program has an easy and nice interface, not overloaded with unnecessary functions (because many of the diaries represent a trivial text editor with a heap of unnecessary functions) and represents a fully standalone application, so all the notes are personal and they do not have access from anyone except you. Zen Diary you will find a terrible and overloaded WYSIWYG text editor — the program uses the syntax of markdown's syntax, which is familiar to many IT schnick. For those who are not familiar with it, Zen Diary has built-reference rules of the markup, fortunately they are lightweight and comfortable for half an hour. If you don't want to remember the nuances of the syntax, above the edit field are a series of small accurancy of formatting buttons.


Features Zen Diary

  • edit the notes using markdown and preview.
  • the
  • Storing all notes in a SQLite database.
  • the
  • Encrypt your notes with AES-256 algorithm.
  • the
  • Export your notes to HTML.
  • the
  • Have the ability to save is not in the database, and in a separate file.
  • the
  • there is Also the possibility to open any text file in the program.
  • the program includes a spell checker based on Yandex.Speller (requires Internet connection). the

  • Ability to manage several parallel diaries (working with multiple SQLite databases and switching between them).
  • the
  • Access to edit and view only with login and password.
  • the
  • And it's nice to run in fullscreen, no distractions.
  • the
  • Supported Drag'n'drop files to the edit field. Enough to throw the image in the window and it will appear markdown-reference.
  • the
  • Have the ability to localize Zen Diary in any language.
  • the
  • Automatic numbered and bulleted lists in the editor.


Wishlist with Habra



Some screenshots for engagement

Hidden text

the Create new note

the view the generated notes. You can filter by the date created and multiple values.

the Edit an existing note. With syntax highlighting much better. You can even include line numbers.

the Preview. width of field preview can be changed in the settings.

the you Can maintain several parallel diaries.

the Simple configuration.


help project

The wave PJournal, Zen Diary use only about 800 people. I would love to continue to build a core of users, the more money I have for the program does not apply. And to build a core of users of the desktop program, not SaaS, at times more time consuming. If You can mention about the project somewhere in the network, mention and post my response about it, I'd greatly appreciate it.

If you have a website and You hang a banner to "support domestic producers", I will also leave a link to you.

If you just recommend this diary to their friends, because "this is the most enjoyable to edit and read notes program", my gratitude will know no bounds.

When I write the word gratitude, it means that your name (of course, only with your consent) will be on the website in a special section those who helped with the development of the project.


Give me more to write my first note

Download it on the official website: http://zendiary.org

Direct link to version 2.3.2: Zen Diary 2.3.2 on GitHub

Link to the repository: https://github.com/NeonMercury/zen-diary
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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