10 reasons to attend the conference developers DUMP in Yekaterinburg

We always seemed to Yekaterinburg to complete it-only thing missing is superconference, namely the event with the best of the Urals and the Russian speakers, some international star. Megaparty, startups, venture capital, and mentors we already have. In General, we want not only our programmers went to Moscow, Peter, but came to us listeners from other regions. Last year we attracted around 300 people, this want twice that. I think we have a chance, because we were well prepared.
Conference DUMP (Development. Usability. Management. Practice) will take place may 25-27, in Yekaterinburg the hotel Angelo. First, we focused on developers and PM employed in web projects, mobile applications, highload services. This means no Internet markting, advertising reports, well and about startups — is just a little bit.
10 reasons to think about a trip to the DUMP:
1. Invaluable experience of the developers, or which will not tell in your Smoking room: How to deplot and to promote the application in AppleStore, Usability testing on the cheap, the Secrets of garbage collection in Java, automation layout in the web-Studio, Profiling and optimising of jQuery code and much more.
2. the Best speakers CodeFest, Highload and RIT (Mikhail Davydov, Andrey Sitnik, Alexey Ragozin), as well as stories about the "inner workings" of projects from Yandex, AlterGEO, JetBrains, Bitrix, NAUMEN, SKB Contour of Doublegis and even some not so well known companies. Only technical details. Well, let's have the list of reports — happy birthday.
3. Techno-geek show in the lobby non-stop show of robots, old school computer games, ride a Segway, musical numbers and even a massage therapist. All that the heart of the pros will stop in one bottle.
4. Super-master-classes — interface Design for mobile applications, non-material tools of motivation of the developers, workshops node.js and Ruby, Erlang, build deb packages and something else.
5. the Right theory of knowledge for growth. Section "Reserve of goblins" — Kotlin — new user-friendly programming language for JVM/JS Startup for 1.5 hours — Scala, Play 2.0 Framework, Heroku, subtlety Erlang'and etc.
6. - known speakers — Alexander Orlov, Slava Pankratov, Sergei Ryzhikov, Andrey Sitnik Vladimir Zhuravlev, Andrey Rogozin.
7. that do not have to know, but interesting to listen to — As a developer to grow a entrepreneur, How to get or sell a share in the business and some sketches. It's not technical details, this extension of the horizon.
8. the World premiere. Two weeks before the official presentation, Nikita Shamgunov (co-founder of MemSQL www.memsql.com, Silicon Valley), will present their DBMS of new generation, which was originally tuned to work with RAM, not with disk. Nikita has already received investments Y Combinator and Ashton Kutcher, but the home will present their DB before the world community.
9. Cookies! I mean, lunch is included in the price :) And the organizers undertake to make the afterparty.
10. the Only conference with a camping trip. 27 may the participants of the DUMP will be able to spend a wonderful day in the Urals forest in the company of their own kind ;) to climb on rocks, swim in the lake, play a game of geocaching, to eat in the lunch bag.
Multiple threads would like to introduce separately:
Flow for the design of interfaces will be different and much attention to mobile applications. This despite the fact that mobile development is dedicated to a separate thread. A special report about the novelties presented at the Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Austin (TX) in early may, Philipp Smirnov (Motko Design — the creators of the interface 360 News) talk about designing mobile interfaces, and Valery shchuchkin from Doublegis will tell about the struggle with Nazi Guideline mobile OS. Everyone is talking about the creation of interfaces and we have added a report about the upgrade — so as to rebuild is often more difficult than doing from scratch.
project Managers
By the looks of it, it is hard to say something new. But we have tried to collect in one section the reports about the hottest problems PM professionals: management of distributed team, working time, motivation and negotiation, built on feedback. Of course about the practical application of Scrum and Kanban a series of reports. Tell will — Alexander Orlov, Slava Pankratov, Sergey Ryzhikov. On the second day is scheduled a master class for PM as much as 8 hours.
Only hardcore
Programming outside of the web. The section under the motto of How things work — design network data transfer protocols, as Yandex is building a 2 billion snippets of the day, secrets of garbage collection in the Java extension for PHP.
Reserve goblins
This section is about the young, but promising programming languages. Talk about Kotlin, Clojure, Scala. Separate conferences about them to collect yet, but the interest is already there and we found people who are willing to share their experiences.
In addition, a separate section will be devoted to front-end development, administration, web programming, databases, mobile technologies. In General, this whole attraction of unprecedented generosity in the .
By the way, camping trip may 27 is not an entertaining addition to the conference, and the quintessential backstage communication — the most important event for some visitors. Here you have to attract the attention photo album with an autumn camping trip and panorama with him.
If check here.
The organizer of the conference, the company IT-People.ru takes useful advice, comments and suggestions in the comments or on page.
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