15 years ago was was google.com

In the beginning of 1996 Larry page, a student at Stanford University, considering various topics for my dissertation began to address the problem of estimating the value of web pages by analyzing the number and nature of references to them. Although this approach, in fact, long been used in conventional citation of scientific works, most of the Internet search engines of that time did an assessment of the importance of a particular page according to how many times the word was mentioned in it.

Soon the project page, code-named "BackRub", was joined by one of his close friends Larry, a graduate student at Stanford, Sergey Brin, received a diploma of bachelor on speciality "Mathematics and computer systems" in Maryland and holder of a scholarship from the National science Foundation.

BackRub the search robot running on a University server, started indexing pages according to the PageRank algorithm in March 1996. Already by early 1997, Larry page described the statistics of your project:

Some rough statistics (from August 29, 1996)
Only indexed pages: 75,2306 million
All downloaded content: 207.022 GB

BackRub is written in Java and Python and runs on the servers Sun Ultra and Intel Pentium running on Linux. The main database is stored on a Sun Ultra II with 28gb available disk. Scott Hassan and Alan Steremberg provided a lot of talented help. Sergey Brin also took an active part and deserves our great thanks.

September 15, 1997 was officially registered domain google.com. In less than a year, page and Brin, while still graduate students, received funding for the not-yet-founded Google of $ 100,000 from Andy Bechtolsheim, co-founder of Sun Microsystems.

Officially, Google released September 4, 1998.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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