[42]magnets — startup one day

Increasing popularity among geeks gaining entertainment in the format of a One-day Project or a Funky Friday. The idea is that in a very short time to develop and unreleased project. The benefit is not only to feel like a real startup and test yourself and your team strength. The benefit is that this format allows to test the ideas and find the pitfalls before you completely devote yourself to the project. In addition, an additional bonus is that you will learn how to break the idea into parts, highlighting the Most Important thing. After a day is impossible, and do not need to implement all the ideas — you need to concentrate on the primary to be on time.
For us it was the second project that we developed in this format. With the development of the first we have missed in terms even close. It taught us to better assess your strength and choose tools. To implement the second idea we came up more seriously. Advance were worked out the idea, define the minimum functionality and selected tools. So yesterday, Thursday, was painted action plan, the roles selected and the pizza delivery guy. In short, everything was ready for Friday.

Now about what we were going to develop. The idea for this service came to me long enough, so had to lie down, to acquire the necessary parts and get rid of excess. We decided to make a website that would give the ability to upload your picture and print out her photo magnet. Doesn't sound so hard, right? But, I'll tell you that we haven't had a chance to start on Friday. The reason for this was excessive desire for perfection, so some features we have done longer than they should — to "was nice", instead make it quick and easy. Therefore, another part of Monday was spent on preparing for the launch and later in the afternoon we announced the service 42magnets.com.
For those too lazy to check, let me know how it works. You upload the picture, and allocate a square region to be printed on the magnet. Why square? First, one way or another, we would need to adjust the original image to fit the size of the magnet. Second, we love Instagram and would like to make his hipster photo magnets :) So we chose a square as limitations. After you "prepare" the first photograph, you can download one or a few, or to move immediately to process the payment. You can pay in various ways provides the service "Interkassa".
After that ends in high-tech and starts low-tech. Kadrirovanie photos are sent for printing to our partner — the company "Magnifique" and the next day awaits you to his new owners. The people of Ukraine will get their magnets in two or three days after ordering. Delivery times to other countries strongly depends on the chosen country (we evaluate them in 1-3 weeks from payment of order).
When we thought about the size of the magnets, I decided to stay in the square with sides 6.5 cm Square quadrate helped to come up with the name service – it is about 42 cm2 and 42, as is known, special number.

We are more than satisfied with the results of the experiment. One evening after running a list of the do and feature-requests in Basecamp would not fit in the screen. Yesterday we sent the first batch of magnets to their owners, and today they are sharing their impressions. At the moment, ready to ship even more impressive stack of photos. The geography of delivery: is not only Ukraine, but also Russia and even the United States, particularly Silicon valley and new York. We are glad that we were given the opportunity not only to print photos yourself, and send the magnet to your relatives or friends in other cities and countries.
I hope the story about our project will give you the incentive to turn their old ideas and give all of us a lot of interesting projects.

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