
This summary of the rules were drafted after the discussion on "What is bad?" habré. Mostly, he focused on writing a set of rules that reflect the causes and what cannot be, to change the karma and change the status message.

These rules are for executing in an order, these are the rules of etiquette and to some they may seem obvious, but still worth to read and implement, it is not so difficult.
A set of rules not a last resort, moreover, is not even an alpha version, and I hope that our synergy and collective intelligence will help us to Supplement, modify this list.


Any person has the right to use the grading system messages and people, but has no right to restrict personal freedom of other people.
  1. do Not abuse their opportunities. You need to understand that minus is very different from the plus. Minus oppressing man, and does not develop it. Put the pros when You like something but think before you put a minus, if something is not liked
  2. the
  3. I Hybrasil and Harkema, the greater the responsibility. The more responsibility, the less You have to grade, because Your every action will have consequences
  4. the
  5. change the status message and the participant Habrahabr will always be anonymous, to not show a response to changes in repression
  6. the
  7. Respect the opinions of others. It does not need to coincide with Your
  8. the
  9. Reasoned post, even if it is opposite Your opinion, can't get a minus. The man is not obliged to podstavitsya to suit Your tastes.
  10. the
  11. Think about the consequences before the flood, inappropriate advertising, spamming, etc.
  12. the
  13. of Changing one's karma carries a much greater responsibility than the nomination + message. 2-3 communications can not be the cause for the understatement of karma in any case.
  14. the
  15. Refrain from posting messages aimed only at increasing Harsely. Just strive to write better
  16. the
  17. Help others where You can do
  18. the
  19. First comment is not the only review in the subject. Before you put him plus read a couple more.
  20. the
  21. If similar themes repeatedly raised, under various pretexts, it does not mean that we must put a minus. It only means that the problem is still not solved
  22. the
  23. Each author has its own personality, so if you have somewhere seen a similar article, this does not mean that the message is nothing new and interesting. Get a grasp, think about it. Understand what is the author's opinion.
  24. the
  25. a Sacred cow, not the reason for the minus. Country one sacred cow, the other — the other. One group or blog, one, another — another. If the person argues, then it is true you can lead only their counterarguments.
  26. the
  27. Negative — this is not an argument, and, moreover, is not a counterargument.
  28. the
  29. should Not do what is not accepted in a civilized society, contrary to the laws, morality and ethics.
  30. the
  31. netiquette, he habré netiquette.
  32. the
  33. do Not do to others what you do not want to get them myself. Put yourself in the place of person with whom to communicate. To defend his point of view, but do not insult others.
  34. the
  35. Remember that Your message must carry some information value. On Habrahabr does not matter does not matter Your story. If the article or review is worth it, they will receive a plus, and You may still oolite karma. Useless information will leave a bad impression.

same thing in the Wiki
Article based on information from


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