Customize your Google

After writing this post, I was interested in the search parameters which you can use for convenient operation.
Given this issue, in Runet I'm more or less full information is not found.
But! It turns out Google for a long time and for all shown.

Let's start simple —Запрос
this is the simplest query, in which all options are disabled or parameters are used which are stored in your cookies.

Next I will talk about the most interesting and used parameters. If you want to know more, you here.

Even though it is called the search parameter, I will use the word token.
So any of the marks are for the test, insert the end of the line (if your line is of the same kind as just above).

Marker search by country

Putting this token, we get the results from the specified country.
List of acronyms used.
Example Asus Finland

UPDATE (thanks to Soutlan noticed the error)

Token language results

The search results will be in the specified language.
Like I said in the comments, specs let me down, where indicated all languages, and it has mislead me.
In the end, I picked the Advanced Google search.
And selected all of the parameters responsible for the language of the result.
here is the full list. 100%

Marker interface language Google

The search results will be in the specified language
List of acronyms used.

Token automatically filter the results

If I'm not mistaken (checked at random)
0 — duplicate page seem example, Ede
1 — duplicate pages are grouped or fall example, more
The default value is 1.

Marker status safe search

Show or hide content. I think most advantageously, such a marker set default in the child profile.
Has 3 values
off — primer
high primer
This request is pointless to use a medium. image

Marker search

Has 4 values
d — day — example
w — the week — example
m — month — example
y — year example
Show results appeared in the selected term.

Marker search

You will find information on the selected web site

Marker search by file type

Will show the results in the selected file format. Convenient to look for specs, datasheets, etc.
pdf, ps, xls, ppt, doc, wks, wps, wdb, rtf, swf, txt
a Very interesting example

Marker search by content type

&tbm=vid — video — example
&tbm=nws — news — example
&tbm=isch — pictures — example
&tbm=shop — purchase — example
&tbm=bks — book — example
&tbm=plcs — address — example
&tbm=blg — blogs — example
&tbm=dsc — debate and discussion — example
&tbm=app — application example

For those who want to see live how this works, here's the video.

And for those who want to use it, follow here

Soon this page I finished (I will add countries, languages), because to search for other countries, I used a separate browser (so that the cookies do not clean).
But now the need for it anymore.

I hope you this solution will be useful.

My fault, at least in passing but I had to specify.
Search queries on the domains I have used
Now everything is easier, it is necessary to remember only one request everything!
Article based on information from


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