Opinion from Google for optimizing sites

On the website of my company I put your translation interview with Andre Weir (Andre Weyher), formerly the Department of search quality at Google, which he gave to an Australian Internet marketer James Norkey (James Norquay). Since the whole text is quite long, here I will list the main (in my opinion, new) points. If someone is interested in the full text of the translated address in the discussion below, modesty. Interview fresh, 16 October

The main thought of interview — "if you want your site higher in the search results, do it as if no SEO no. This expects from you and the user, and Google."

Some interesting replies Andre, which to me (and to commentators of original interview on a site of James) seem not so banal (forgive if you already know that, if someone does not know):

1. keywords (anchors) with which your website are links that Google divides commercial and non-commercial;
2. more than 2 commercial keywords in the tag
causes Google suspected spam;
3. links from "good" pages are by orders of magnitude more weight than links from "bad" (it is so clear, but interestingly, the ratio in the original 3 good better 1000 bad, although the "1000" can be a figure of speech);
4. Google not all directories consider evil;
5. in Google+ you can make the profile your (and I thought that there are more people!)
6. and last, but not least, Andre's companions made a website netcomber.com, where you can search for sites belonging to one owner (the membership is over 3000 parameters). Recommend to use for finding clusters of search spam, monitor the sites of competitors and other things. Cynically suggesting that "it's free".

I would be glad if someone will share the feeling of use netcomber.com — it seemed to me that the sites are in Russian language he does not understand. I for example was watching the website rbc.ru — so he found quite strange websites allegedly by the owners. However, it is possible that the owners are actually really the same... And maybe help with finding copy-paste from your site.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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