That overcomes the power of innovation?

the Description of conditions of successful innovations is dedicated to the many correct words and wonderful thoughts. But the question is nature of resistance to innovation, in my opinion, been unfairly overlooked. From smrtnosti of view comes a lot of funny and sad continuations: inventors rely on the power of ideas, investors expect offers obvious advantages, successful implementers called innovation replicating an existing...
It seems to me that there is no other force that prevents innovation, in addition to the force of inertia of consciousness. Accordingly, the only object with which you want to interact with the innovator — the minds of others.

Why the wipers sweep the path?

In our time there are still conscientious caretakers. And much more – always somewhere late citizens who have absolutely no leisure time to walk on the sidewalks. Whether they are at school remember that the hypotenuse is shorter than the sum of the other two sides, whether intuition tells them that, but whenever the opportunity they cut their way, crossing the lawn at the shortest line. Fair the wipers regularly sweep the footpath. From such care pathways become deeper and rainy days turn into slush. What do hasty citizens? Quite naturally, begin to bypass the slush on the grass. Footpaths become wider and wider, work janitors – more and more, and the sidewalks are all dirtier and dirtier. Sometimes the joint efforts of the hurrying citizens and conscientious janitors bring the lawns up to complete disappearance. How to save the lawn?

The obvious problem has two equally obvious solution, differing only in the degree of radicalism. Liberal in relation to hurrying the decision is to strew a path with gravel or any loose material that will make it a higher pitch. The wipers should sweep it, but it will disappear puddles and it will cease to grow outwards. A radical solution is to dig all trampled space and repeat the digging with the appearance of the first traces of hurrying citizens. Haste will be struck by rights, but the work of janitors is seriously diminished. Why the wipers do not do?

It can be assumed that these obvious solutions do not come with the wipers in the head? No. Several times he tried to wise up. Response: from misunderstanding what was going on to resentment — you'll still teach me...

Ideas are rejected by the experts

Here is an example that parses K. E. Tsiolkovsky in his article "the Genius among people". "let the thinker enters the railway. Before they were highways, waterways and other, even more primitive. From the implementation of the ideas of the thinker has to suffer the drivers, owners of roads, employees, owners of sailing ships, tradesmen like some workers, etc General dissatisfaction touchy people supported scientists and experts, as is reflected in them. Stagnancy of thought, and trite ideas of others prevent them to delve into new trends and make them an impartial evaluation. Suffering and self-love: someone wants to be above them, smarter. Do administrators not know what to do? If the railroad was necessary, they themselves admitted them. And then someone insignificant, unknown causes them to trouble the brains, and tortured. They would blame the shortsightedness of the omission. Workers break the new machine. Start a fierce attack on innovation".

In my opinion, K. E. Tsiolkovsky gives an absolutely accurate explanation of the nature of resistance to innovations. Not the lack of technical, material or intellectual means, not a lack of other resources stops the beginnings of a thinker. On the contrary, the presence of even an excess of dissatisfaction with the "touchy people" — force impeding transformation.
If you tend to go deeper into the analysis of the state of technology and Economics in the era of the introduction of Railways, to detect the absence of reliable steam engines, and cheap iron and other absence, then distribute your logic to an example with a bona fide caretakers. What lack you find there?
Article based on information from


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