Wandex or Nine things you didn't know about search engines
Figure: the Big three. Or...? We believe the search engines something taken for granted. They exist because it must exist. Without them we find the necessary and adequate information among millions of web pages would be almost an impossible task. Here are nine, most likely, unknown to you facts about the search engines. 1. Invented in 1936? The idea which led eventually to the invention of hypertext, and the argument about the need to develop rapid extract data from the thus stored information (the equivalent of today's search engines) was published in 1945, the American engineer and science administrator Vannevar Bush (Vannevar Bush). His essay " As we might think " it was perhaps written in 1936. It introduced the concept of device memory extender contained original ideas that, eventually, morphed into the Internet. 2. Magic automatic extractor of text The first real search engine was created in the 1960s by Gerard Salton (Gerard Salton). ...